What Is Venous Reflux and Why Do My Veins Burn?

January 8, 2021 The Vein Institute

The symptoms of varicose veins are varied, but they’re all frustrating. One lesser-known symptom many people experience is burning sensation in the skin. So, patients often ask us; why do my veins burn?!

Here’s the answer:

Why do my veins burn?

They burn because of venous reflux. It is a condition where a weak blood flow or faulty vein valves in the legs cause the veins to leak blood into the surrounding tissue. The leak results in a hot or burning sensation often accompanied by itching and skin discolouration.

Other symptoms that might pop up include : 

While burning veins aren’t an immediate cause for concern, they often indicate underlying conditions that require treatment.

What causes venous reflux?

There are a few factors that can cause and aggravate burning veins, but the more common ones include:

  • Genetics: you’re at a much higher risk of venous insufficiency or faulty valves running in your family. Talk to your parents and grandparents to see if they have had these issues. And if they do, start managing the issue early.
  • Sitting or standing constantly: if you’re sitting at a desk all day or are on your feet for hours at a time, the blood in your legs can struggle to get back up to your heart.
  • Obesity: being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the veins in your body, especially in your legs, straining the circulatory system.
  • Pregnancy: during pregnancy. you produce more progesterone, leading to lax vein walls. This hormone, combined with the doubled blood volume needed to supply your baby plus the increase in weight, puts significant strain on your veins.

Read more: Varicose Veins Explained

How do I stop my veins burning?

First and foremost, speak to your GP or contact us to work out the best treatment option for you. 

In the meantime, there are a few remedies you can use to minimise the symptoms and relieve any pain and discomfort. These include: 

  • Wearing compression garments: using medical-grade compression stockings is one of the best ways to manage vein issues in your legs, no matter the severity. They help keep your blood flowing, reducing the strain on your veins. 
  • Elevate your legs: if the burning sensation gets worse, elevate your legs up higher than your chest and keep them there until the pain subsides.
  • Get moving: staying active is a great way to maintain a healthy blood flow and alleviate the pain. Learn more: Non-medical options for managing varicose veins. 
  • Take a cold shower: having a cold shower can help you get the swelling and inflammation around the veins under control. 

But remember. While these are great ways to manage burning veins and other symptoms associated with venous insufficiency, they aren’t treatments. You should speak to your GP or a vein specialist to ensure your veins get the best care.


Ready to take the next step? Call us at 1 1300 535 017. We’ll be happy to answer your questions or book you in for a consultation.

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